Thanks for your reply. So my understanding from your reply is that pycaret ships 13 algorithms and one should just accept it as it is without questioning the rationale behind it (as in how they came up with this initial list of Algo's).
Also pycaret is just amalgamation of Sklearn + other libraries. And because other libraries can be bad (in terms of misspecification) Pycaret also gets the license to be as wrong as them.
Also you missed answering my point "Also you are selecting an algorithm solely based on AUC and other accuracy metric. As far as I can see, it is too close to call !! You are deciding based on 3rd decimal point ! Also I don't think it is the right way to select an algorithm from an cohort of algorithms merely based on their accuracy metrics."
Would love to know your justification on selecting algorithm based on AUC and that too based on 3rd decimal point !!